This is an attempt to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Esto es un intento de cobrar una deuda, Cualquier información será utilizada para este propósito.
Debt Collection Services
Located in Indianapolis, Indiana since 1992, Ashwood Financial, Inc. is a nationwide debt collection agency, offering a variety of services to our clients while maintaining a successful recovery rate on their accounts.
Make a Secure Payment
Pay off your debt the easy way by making a payment on our secure online payment page. Payments can be made over the phone by calling (800)851-5736
If you wish to make a payment by mail, please address it to:
Ashwood Financial Inc.
PO Box 47707,
Indianapolis IN 46247-0707
Setup a Payment Plan
Set up a secure online Payment Plan online or by calling our office at (800)851-5736. We will work with you to create a unique payment plan that allows you to pay off your debt over time.

“My debt was completely eliminated by Ashwood’s payment plan.”
“Our company started reducing our delinquent accounts soon after turning them over to Ashwood.”